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TCC Saturday Group Rides 2024 - Freeland Sports Zone
TCC Weekly rides
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
This year we will again have regular Saturday group rides with multiple groups riding at different speeds. Most weeks we hope to have up to 4 different groups: (13-15 mph avg.); (15-17 mph avg.); (17-19 mph avg.); (20+ mph avg.) The ride start location will rotate between Freeland and Midland. We will skip some weeks for event rides around the state and we may occasionally hold rides at other locations so check the specific date you plan to ride.
Please arrive early enough to be ready to ride at 9 AM so the group can start as scheduled. If you are new to the group aim to be there at least 15 minutes early to provide an opportunity to introduce yourself to the ride leaders.
As with all TCC Rides helmets are required. If you ride a 'time trial' bike with aerobars, please do not ride in the aerobars while in a paceline or riding closely with others in a group. Clear and good access to brakes is essential for the safety of all riders.